The 2021 Kempson Maddox Lecture was presented by Prof Diane Fatkin at the 2021 CSANZ ASM. Prof Fatkin is the  Head of the Sr Bernice Research Program in Inherited Heart Diseases, in the Molecular Cardiology Division of the Victor Chang Cardiac Research Institute.

2021 Kempson Maddox Lecture:   Evolution of the genetics revolution in heart failure management.

View Prof Fatkins’ presentation here – follow link to the CSANZ ASM video on Vimeo.

Prof Diane Fatkin trained in Clinical Cardiology and Molecular Genetics and is currently Head of the Sr Bernice Research Program in Inherited Heart Diseases, in the Molecular Cardiology Division of the Victor Chang Cardiac Research Institute, Sydney. She also holds appointments as Honorary Medical Officer in the Cardiology Department, St Vincent’s Hospital, and Professor (conjoint) in the Faculty of Medicine, UNSW Sydney. Her research is focused on understanding the molecular genetic basis of inherited cardiomyopathies, with a specific interest in familial dilated cardiomyopathy and familial atrial fibrillation. This work spans from clinical and genetics studies in families with inherited cardiomyopathies to functional genomics in the cell, mouse, and zebrafish models. A major objective of the team’s research is the “bench-to-bedside” translation of new insights about disease mechanisms into personalised approaches to patient management.