A message from the Chair and Executive of the Cardiovascular Nursing Council of the Cardiac Society of Australia and New Zealand.

At these extraordinary times this is a message of support and acknowledgement to the valued nurse members of the Cardiac Society of Australia and New Zealand, not only, but especially as 2020 has been declared Year of the Nurse and Midwife by the World Health Organization.

The COVID-19 pandemic presents a unique challenge to all of society, and especially those working in healthcare. Nurses are at the frontline and the courage they demonstrate in the critical roles they play is acknowledged and highly valued. We stand together with all of our nursing colleagues, in Australia and New Zealand and across the world. 

Cardiovascular nurses are highly skilled healthcare professionals who provide care across the lifespan, in many different healthcare and community settings. At this extraordinary time we acknowledge that the specialist skills and expertise of cardiovascular nurses will be called upon to provide care and leadership in settings outside of our typical patient populations and clinical environments. There is no doubt we will come together to support each other and bring our expertise and skills to the challenges that will be presented to us this year.

Self-care will be vital to managing this challenge. Cardiovascular nurses are excellent at educating and supporting self-care for our patients, but now, more than ever we must practice our own self-care during these challenging times. Stay safe, know that your role and contribution to the health and wellbeing of our community is highly valued and acknowledged.

I look forward with hope to the beginning of summer when we can come together on the Gold Coast at the rescheduled CSANZ Annual Scientific Meeting (10-13 December) to reflect upon this year and celebrate our role as nurses in the Year of the Nurse and Midwife. I encourage you to submit your abstracts (deadline extended to Friday 3 April), especially for the Cardiovascular Nursing Prize so that we can continue to showcase the outstanding research cardiovascular nurses are leading.

Kind regards,

A/Prof Sally Inglis, Chair of the Cardiovascular Nursing Council

on behalf of the Executive Committee of the Cardiovascular Nursing Council
Cardiac Society of Australia and New Zealand


A message from the Chair and Executive of the Cardiovascular Nursing Council