
SCCT Heart School Webinar: September

SCCT Heart School Webinar: September

Registration is now open for the SCCT Fellows-in-Training Heart School Webinar to be presented on Tuesday 24 September 2024 from 7.30pm (AEST). 

Topic: CT for structural heart disease assessment.  

Presenter: Dr Abdul Ihdayhid

Chairs: Dr Andrew Lin and Dr Subodh Joshi

As an Academic Cardiologist, Abdul has trained in coronary and structural intervention, including cardiac CT with consultant appointment at Fiona Stanley Hospital. Currently, he holds the positions of Clinical Senior Lecturer at Harry Perkins Institute of Medical Research, University of Western Australia; and Adjunct Senior Lecturer at Monash University.

Abdul is a regular speaker on intracoronary physiology, coronary and structural CT, and has well-established links to both industry and leading academic centers in North America and Europe. His research has been supported by competitive scholarships from the Australian National Health and Medical Research Council, and the National Heart Foundation.

Abdul has completed a PhD, and was awarded a Fellowship to the Royal Australian College of Physicians after successfully completing his specialist training in Cardiology. He is the winner of several prestigious national and international scientific awards. 

The session will be delivered via Zoom, comprising a presentation of approximately 50 minutes and 10 minutes Q&A.   

Tuesday, 24 September 2024
7:30 pm to 8:30 pm
