2022 CSANZ New Zealand ASM – a great success!

Thank you to the Convenor and Organising Committee who planned some inspiring sessions including those addressing important equity issues, historical and current Māori relationships within health and specialist services. The faculty, including Dr John Mandrola were impressive.

All abstracts submitted to the meeting are available to view here online at Heart Lung and Circulation.

Congratulations to all the Young Investigator Award Prize Winners:

Evie Templeton – Young Investigator Award for her work on “Harnessing the power of omics: discovering novel microRNZ and protein biomarkers of acute kidney injury in acute heart failure”

Ellen Woodcock – Allied Health Investigator Award for her work on “Spironolactone and atrial remodelling in patients with paroxysmal atrial fibrillation (PAF)”

John Ramos – Nurse Investigator Award for his work on “Hospitalisation during lockdown – Patient’s beds-eye view”


The full recording of the meeting is available for a limited time – access here (NZ members only).

MBS Telehealth Services from 1 July 2022

The Australian Government Department of Health introduced permanent telehealth arrangements on 1 July 2022 following cessation of the temporary telehealth arrangements on 30 June 2022. Information on the permanent telehealth items is available in the new Fact Sheet on the MBSOnline website MBS online – MBS Telehealth Services from 1 July 2022

Members are advised that the Government has indicated it intends to defer to 1 October 2022 the implementation of the telephone specific 30/20 compliance rule which was to take effect on 1 July 2022.

ANZET 2022 Named Lecturers

The ANZET 2022 program is coming together for the Meeting 12 – 14 August 2022.

We are delighted to announce the Named Lecturers for 2022:
The Louis Bernstein Lecture will be presented by Prof John Ormiston, Medical Director INTRA, NZ.

The Paul Yock Innovations in Cardiology Lecture will be presented by Prof Paul Yock, Professor of Medicine, Stanford University, USA (virtual presentation).

Other international faculty presenting at ANZET22 include Prof Vinayak Bapat, Dr Dipti Itchhaporia, MD, Prof Akiko Maehar, Dr Michael J. Reardon, MD and Lauren Connolly, Clinical Nurse Specialist. Register Now!

Submissions for ANZET Prizes close soon, apply now:

The Geoff Mews Memorial ANZET Fellows’ Prize – closing 13 July 2022.
Best Interventional Imaging Competition –  closing 13 July 2022.

Australia’s first Heart Failure Patient & Caregiver Charter

Hearts4heart will be launching Australia’s first national Heart Failure Awareness Week, 27 June – 3 July 2022

This new initiative aims to raise awareness, educate people and encourage critical conversations around the importance of reform in how heart failure diagnosis, treatment, and long-term management is addressed in Australia.

During the week, Australia’s first Heart Failure Patient & Caregiver Charter will be launched to support shared decision-making between patients and clinicians and as a guide for GPs.

Read more on Hearts4Heart 

Public Consultation – Cardiac MRI in the Diagnosis of Myocarditis

CSANZ has submitted an application for a new MBS item number for Cardiac MRI in the Diagnosis of Myocarditis. As part of the appraisal process, MSAC is inviting input on the application from a range of stakeholders, through both targeted and public consultation.

Public consultation is now open until 8 July 2022.

CSANZ Members are encouraged to provide input in the consultation process for the item number by completing the consultation survey at this link.

The 4th International Clinical Cardiovascular Genetics Conference

The 4th International Clinical Cardiovascular Genetics (ICCG) conference was held in Brisbane on May 11-13, 2022. As the first face-to-face meeting for the majority of the attendees, it was as much a social event and “family reunion” as it was an outstanding scientific conference exploring the latest in cardiovascular genetic advances and how these amazing developments have led to improved patient care.

Our two international guests, Dr Perry Elliott (UK) and Dr Bruce Gelb (USA), shared their knowledge in the fields of inherited cardiomyopathies and congenital heart diseases, and were accompanied by an exceptional national faculty of unmasked speakers, and a number of students presenting abstract talks and posters many for the first time at an international conference.

 Download the report in full here (pdf).

Prof Chris Semsarian, Scientific Program Chair

CSANZ Travelling Fellowship Archive Reports

If you would like to apply for any of CSANZ Travelling Fellowships keep an eye on our Scholarships and Prizes page to see Open for Application and what’s upcoming, award criteria and eligibility and how to apply.

Be inspired by previous CSANZ Travelling Fellowship recipients below and apply now!

Dr Zhaleh Ataei, Masters of Biomedical Science, University of Melbourne Researcher, Baker Heart and Diabetes Institute presented her abstract at the AHA 2023 Read her abstract and travelling fellowship report here

Dr Joshua Wong presented his abstract at the AHA 2023. Read his abstract and travelling fellowship experience here.

Dr Jonathan Sen presented his abstract at ESC Congress 2023.  Read his abstract and experience at ESC in Amsterdam last year. 

Dr Seshika Ratwatte presented at the ESC Congress 2023. Read her abstract and travelling fellowship report here.

Dr Stephanie Rowe presented at the ESC Congress 2023. Read her abstract and travelling fellowship report here.

Dr Jessica Orchard

Read Travelling Fellowship Report and link to Meeting abstracts

ACC.23 March 2023

Justin Braver

Read report and link to Meeting abstract

AHA Nov 2022

Dr Adeel Khoja

Read Report and link to Meeting abstract

AHA Nov 2022

Khalia Primer

Read report and link to Meeting abstract

AHA Nov 2022

Dr Julia Isbister

Travelling Fellowship Report, link to abstracts

ESC Aug 2022

Ada Lo

Travelling Fellowship Report, link to abstract

ESC Aug 2022

Dr Christopher Yu

Travelling Fellowship Report and link to abstract

ESC Aug 2022

Joint National Cardiovascular Implementation and Policy Roundtable

The Joint National CV Implementation and Policy Roundtable held in Canberra in March 2022 provided a unique opportunity to bring the community together to collectively take important steps to set a national CV Implementation & Policy agenda and action plan.

Prof Garry Jennings and Prof Julie Redfern, under the flagship of the ACvA Implementation and Policy, have joined forces with the Cardiac Society of Australia and New Zealand and the National Heart Foundation of Australia to start the national discussion to identify implementation and policy solutions for cardiovascular disease.

Over 60 participants from government, peak bodies, and individuals spanning clinicians, researchers, primary care, allied health, pharmacists, nurses, consumers and industry were in attendance and a draft report has been prepared for consultation and input take the first steps towards a National Implementation and Policy agenda and action plan.

Download the report here 


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